Wait, what is that noise….O God…..

We all have certain urges.

Some have the urge to shop.

Some have the urge to eat.

Some of us have the urge to …….bang.

Yeah, I know, “Davod! EWWW Why?!?!?!?!”

It’s time to have “the talk“.

Let’s go back to this last summer, back where there was only 2 iPhone models, there was no Cowboys 4ever back to a time where there was no homework.

I was a summer Conference Assistant and lived in Wentz, same room, same sloppy mess. One night I was enjoying a 2 a.m. snacking while watching some Sex and the City. (ironic I know). As the credits rolled the action started.

*slap* *slap* *slap*

“What is that?


“Seriously, what is that?”

*slap**slap* “Uhhhhh”*slap**slap*

“Oh, god…”

It was that time of night, BANG:30 am

My floormate across the hall was indulging in his every desire….along with his woman of the week.

NOW. Some people may have curled in the corner and rocked back worth, begging the pain to go away..but ohhhh nooo, this summer, was.just.that.boring.

So every night, at BANG:30 AM, I was cured up by my door’s vent and enjoyed what I like think was Wentz’s version of “The Young and the Horny.”

Now, sex in the dorms is not a new thing. It happens. After homecoming, before the big game, during finals week, during fall break, etc. Its a natural occurrence.

So is the scraping of the floor, banging against the wall, and the *shudder* slapping.  We have all experienced it, and we all have horror stories. Or like mine, I-am-so-bored-this-is-entertainment. Sex in the dorms are often looked down upon, and often there are rules in the Res. Halls that “discourage” sex in the halls.  From, “No members of the opposite sex after 2 a.m.”, to “If member of the opposite sex are in the dorm room, they must be awake and coherent at all times.”

Even though I often find these rules restrictive, they do serve SOME purpose…I mean, there has to be commercials!



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One response to “Wait, what is that noise….O God…..

  1. I’ve never understood this rule. I mean, unless there are date rape drugs involved, it’s kinda hard to do the mcnasty if you aren’t awake and coherent. And honestly, if people really want to (as Sarah on my floor would say) shabang, they don’t particularly care what time of day it is. So yeah, that curfew rule is dumb to the max.

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