Why, yes I am a GDI for life!

So on Sunday night as I was strolling along outside of KD, my arms full of 20-Something goodness, I was assaulted.

No, not the, hold-a-gun-to-my-head- assaulted. I was verbally assaulted.

It was more of like a I’m-with-my-homies-so-I am- going-to-hate-on-you assaulted.

For those of you who are new to OSU there is a certain “hatin” that goes on between those who are Greek and those who are not.

For as far back as I can remember this “hatin” has been going on. Most of time nothing comes up of this “hatin” but certain times this “hatin” rears its ugly head.

This was one of those times. A Chevrolet Avalanche rolled on past KD, full of frat guys yelling obscenities.

Some included “GDI’s suck b***’s!” “Frat life for life!” and others. Now, while I was slightly offended  after they specified “Hey you with the Bags!”, I took a mental note.

While yes, I am a “God D*** independent, (one who is not involved in greek life) , I also realized that living on campus is kinda of like being in the greek system.

You live on a floor full of people that are students like you that have the same stresses, worries and concerns as you do. You grow to like that person, share your personal experiences, and form a bond with that person that will last you after college. Some may call this “networking”, something the greek system takes pride in saying it’s members get when they join.

So with that in mind, and the fact that I am paying less for more room in my dorm than they have in their own bedrooms I skipped my merry way to Wentz.

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Old Movies

As I am flipping through the channels, trying to find something on, I come across a movie. The title on the screen is “It Came from Beneath the Sea.” natural, I turn to it. When the channel is turned, what is on the screen is a giant, black and white, claymation octopus destroying the Golden Gate Bridge. The movie was from 1955 and was on TCM.

I love old, sci-fi movies. One of my favorite places to eat in Disney World is the “Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater.” Not only is it a cool themed restaurant, I get to see what people in the 50s thought was scary. I love seeing the really fake giant spider on puppet strings drop into view and a girl with curly hair screens and does the whole Home Alone thing. I like the giant monsters that never really kill anyone directly because the technology to make the super fake claymation tentacle smash a guys wasn’t invented yet.

Go to the Sci-Fi channel and pick out the crappiest movie made in the last ten years. Probably something to do with killer, mutant bunnies attacking a small town in Iowa. Awesome, right? Now hop in your time machine, travel back to the 50s and play that for them. They would freak out. There would be armies attacking some little town in Iowa for fear of the mutant bunnies.

It just goes to show how awesome technology is. So turn to the Sci-Fi channel and watch a really bad movie. It helps the soul. The magic of the silver screen will always astound me. Now, if you don’t mind, I am going to go watch giant ants attack New Mexico in “Them!”



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Spring Break

I can not wait. Never before have I been so ready to get out of school and not do any work. O wait, I have a paper and two projects due when I get back. Does anyone else hate when teachers do that? I would rather have to cram a bunch of projects in before break than have to worry about it all over my break.

Its not really a “break” if you have to do work over it. Its more like a lazy weekend. I will only be able to spend a couple of days relaxing and then I will need to get started on my paper. It is pretty stupid. For a change, I am happy that I am not going to do anything crazy over spring break. I will be heading to Illinois to see my family.

But before that, I get to pick up a couple of shifts at work because my bank account is getting low on money. But I guess if I just look at the negatives it will ruin my whole break. So, instead, I will look at the positives:

  1. I get more birthday presents when I see my family.
  2. I get to spend a total of 15 hours in the car by myself, which is nice sometimes.
  3. I get to see my family, which is always fun.
  4. I get (some) time off school and I dont have to worry about work (for a few days)

I guess its not all bad when you look at it. Although I do have to leave Danielle for a week, it won’t be too long of a separation. Hopefully I come back refreshed and ready to finish out my sophomore year.

Fingers crossed.


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Commercial Conspiracy

I was being particularly anti-social last saturday night. I had to study for an a big art test and I had a bunch of education technology stuff to do. Point is, I was in my room on saturday night, being a nerd.

So as I was memorizing some art images, I had my TV on in the background. It helps me memorize. I was flipping through channels, trying to find something to watch. Beerfest, Ghost Hunters, The Hills Have Eyes and Silent Library were all on at the same time. So I would flip back and forth between these while they were on commercial.

I hate commercials. I find them pointless and annoying. I have never seen a commercial that made me want to buy something apart from food. I would see something tasty at Taco Bell and then when I went there I forgot what the food was. Also, commercials all seem to come on at the same time.

What is up with that?!? It is a television conspiracy. They all plan their crappy commercials to air at the same time, so there is a higher percent chance that we will watch them. There are only so many shows that you can get involved with at one time. If they all have commercials, then you have to sit through the boring sell-fest.

I would like to impose a nation-wide boycott on commercials. If one comes on you television show, turn the channel. If the next channel also has a commercial, keep on flippin. I don’t care if you have to turn it to Telemundo and watch Doce Corazones (which is a really funny show). Commercials are bad.

Down with commercials! Up with everything else.


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Restaurant Crawl

So Davod told me about this really cool thing at an Asian restaurant. It’s like a pot in the middle of the table, and you have soup in it and all you need to do is just throw in whatever you want in it and wait for a little while, and VOILA! You can remove them from the soup and eat it! When he told me, I chuckled and asked, “You mean STEAMBOAT??” And of course, he didn’t know what steamboat was. So I told him that we have steamboat ALL the time back in Malaysia.
But I agreed to go with him anyway cause it’s been too long since we last hung out. And we invited Valerie as well. First stop was the steamboat place but boy, it was PACKED! We waited for around 30minutes or so and still wasn’t being seated yet.
Not long after that, Valerie started to look like this. So we gave up and decided to go to another Asian place- Kyoto.
Went there and it was ALSO packed!! Gee! Americans do love Asian food ey? While waiting, we camwhored.
And more.. And we waited for around another 30minutes
And Valerie started to look weird and we found out that she was possessed by the hungry ghost

.. and Davod started to hope to get lucky with her
We thought it’s getting creepier; so we decided to give up on proper food and just go for fast food instead. And that was when we settled for Chick Fill-A.

We arrived there and got the food 5 minutes later. Now you know WHY Americans are big on fast food? 😀
At least Chick Fil-A managed to cast out that hungry demon off Valerie! See the slight smile? 😀
Word Of The Day: Makan Malam (Malay)= Dinner

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Lazy Friday

Once again, gotta reiterate, this weather is awesome. No, I am not going to write about the weather again, but just what it makes some people do.

I have an art class at 8:30 in the morning. It royally blows. But on the way back from class today (keep in mind that it is 9:20 in the morning) I saw a person lying on the library lawn. While this might not seem wierd, I must also say that he had his hood pulled over his face and was sleeping soundly on the grass.

I don’t think that I could sleep in public like that. I feel like someone would come up to me and steal my shoes or something. I know that isn’t a good example, but it is just wierd. I get wanting to get some sun and relax, but this guy was out. He didn’t have a back pack or anything with him, so I am still trying to figure out what he was doing.

He didn’t look homeless so I must ask why? Did he have an early class and wanted to get some shut eye? I guess it will have to remain a mystery. Either way it gave me a smile and made my day a little better. That and this gorgeous weather.

We have come full circle.


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Lovin Me Some Weather

Haven’t wrote much about the weather lately. In fact, I feel like I am making small talk with you, the reader. “So what about the weather?”

Well I am happy to report that, in case any of you have been shut away in your rooms for the past couple of days, it is b-e-a-utiful. But the cruel irony is that I only have one class today, so I am not able to fully enjoy this awesomeness. It was on the 60s today and will be in the upper 60s and 70s tomorrow.

Some people say, “Kyle, why don’t you just go outside?” and I would reply, “What are you doing in my room? I have no idea who you are. Please leave.” But bad jokes aside, I have so much studying to do, I can barely find time to just lay around on the library lawn. Apparently there was some guy laying on the grass with a giant jacket over his head blocking out the sunlight.

I have to study for art history, which is painstaking as I need to memorize 33 images along with their locations, artists, year it was made, and time period. Plus, the test is on a wednesday and my birthday is on tuesday. So I get to study on my b-day. Kinda blows.

Wow, this kind of drifted off the whole “weather” thing.


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American Foster Family

So I have a foster family here in America! They’re such lovely couple 🙂 Esther is an artist, while William is an author. I went over to their place last week and they cooked me lunch of a typical American food- hamburgers (I know right). It was really delicious, regardless. Chatted a bit and watched an old American movie- Chissum and had some great laughs of the super ancient production.
They also have a greyhound name- Dougie, which has raced 95 races. He’s now 7 years old and he’s so gentle. I have this really great dog phobia, but I think I did great that day. My foster family knew that I’m afraid of dogs, so they slowly let me have contact with Dougie and I thought that actually worked.
It was a nice afternoon with the couple but I had to leave early for the basketball game (OSU vs KU, definitely worth my time!). And Esther baked some brownies to take home with me. Sweet 🙂
Word Of The Day: Keluarga angkat (Malay)= Foster Family

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No Offense

I’d like to start with a quote from South Park: “I’m sorry, I thought this was America.” (Randy Marsh). This gonna apply to America being a free country, not (in Randy’s case) getting drunk at a little league baseball game and getting into a fight.

When did people get so touchy? All this drama about the Olympics, TV shows and other stuff is getting tiresome. OOO he won a medal but no one likes him. I forgot the Olympics scored on popularity too. So he’s a jerk, he can skate his butt off so he deserves to win. The only thing that was worthy of offense in the Olympics was the Georgian luger dying and then NBC playing his death for the world to see. That offended me, and it is not easy to get under my skin.

Can people not state their opinions? Someone that wants to murder a bunch of people should not have his murdering opinion taken into account, but just little stuff on TV? Who cares? The people that need to always have an opinion care.

You know who I am talking about, because everyone has had one in their class. The kid that has to have their say just because. The person that needs to argue for the sake of arguing. That kid that likes to bring up random tidbits of information just to hear themselves talk.

These are the people that become simply outraged when some minor controversy happens on TV? “MEEH I am angry because my life is boring!” Controversy is the spice of life. Without it, there would be no reality TV (which sucks but is funny to watch), no comedy, and no excitement. Even Jeff Foxworthy, one of the cleanest comedians ever to grace the stage, makes fun of Rednecks all day. That’s controversial to hillbillies.

American Idol has been getting more ratings because of the Simon and Ellen controversy. Without something out of the ordinary, life is not worth living. If you want a place where you don’t want people to share their opinions, then move to communist China.

America: Land of the free, home of the awesome.


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Sorority House

So we had dinner exchange at Kappa Alpha Theta (a sorority house) today. It’s awesome, and no.. It’s nothing like the movie Legally Blonde. The house has its own chefs to cook for every meal, and it accommodates around 100+ girls. It’s pretty neat and definitely a good experience! Let the pictures do the talking..
The dining table
Me before we ate
Our meal. Pretty Asian, ey? It’s sweet & sour chicken rice. And yes, they eat rice with FORK & KNIFE!
Sorority sisters and visitors
Me at the hallway of award
The candlelight. It only happens when someone newly got engaged. It remains unknown until the candle’s been passed around while singing. And whoever blows the candle is the one who got engaged.
Me and the girls
Word Of The Day: Rumah Mahasiswi (Malay) = Sorority House

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